Technology & Security

Acacia Energy Group operates utilizing a number of advanced information technology (IT) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems serving its refining and trading businesses, including Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Trading, Risk Management and Financial systems. These systems allow company management to monitor performance of operations and intervene with a corrective action when necessary.

Our refinery and storage operations are managed by a range of industry-specific software applications, enabling Acacia to integrate their functions into the company-wide ERP system regardless of the assets locations in the world.

Acacia’s IT Security Policy is sustained by the implementation and deployment of the advanced data security systems and secure data centers that protect Acacia’s data assets globally. Acacia’s IT infrastructure is highly resilient with no single point of failure and we have back-up systems and procedures for every degree of disruption.

Acacia employs a range of business management systems to support its core operations, including Commodities trading, Risk Management, Credit management, Finance, Shipping and operations, Corporate Compliance and Employee Collaboration.

Acacia consistently invests into the modern and state-of-the-art technology and management applications to ensure that our global strategies and initiatives are supported and managed in an efficient and secure manner.



Humanitarian Efforts

Acacia Energy Group is proud to fund The Acacia Humanitarian Trust as part of our humanitarian efforts. The Trust is used to finance efforts and projects related to health care, education, community improvements and business incubators for entrepreneurs and job creation. Charitable projects are funded totally on needs basis and done so without consideration to religion, politics, or ethnicity.