Humanitarian Trust

Acacia Energy Group is proud to fund The Acacia Humanitarian Trust (AHT) as part of our global humanitarian efforts.

The AHT works with various non-profit organizations and governments of sovereign nations within the regions of Africa, Asia Pacific, the Middle East, South and Central Americas, and Caribbean. AHT seeks to assist the projects that could help these nations and regions to become self-sufficient in the areas of food, energy and water supply.

AHT’s participation is geared towards helping these nations in development of a dependable sustainability, so that each nation can flourish and prosper through AHT supported humanitarian programs and projects.

The AHT is used to finance efforts and projects related to health care, education, community improvements and business incubators for entrepreneurs and job creation. Charitable projects are funded totally on needs basis and done so without consideration to religion, politics, or ethnicity.



Humanitarian Efforts

Acacia Energy Group is proud to fund The Acacia Humanitarian Trust as part of our humanitarian efforts. The Trust is used to finance efforts and projects related to health care, education, community improvements and business incubators for entrepreneurs and job creation. Charitable projects are funded totally on needs basis and done so without consideration to religion, politics, or ethnicity.